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Fighting against Zionism and other White supremacism:
Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign calls on supporters of Palestinian freedom to support all refugee rights, and to protest against the racist SDL (Scottish Defence League) in Edinburgh on Saturday October 3rd (Mound 1pm), against their efforts to whip up hatred against refugees. SPSC opposition to the racist project of Zionism is part of our wider commitment to oppose White supremacism in all its forms.
The SDL fascists openly admire Israel’s serial massacres of Palestinians; Israel does what they would like to do to brown- and black-skinned people in this country.
Zionism is a settler-colonial project and White-supremacist ideology designed to dispossess the native Palestinian people; by its very nature it attracts White supremacists such as the SDL.
The SDL works to whip up hatred towards refugees fleeing the horror of wars unleashed by the US, UK and their allies. Many Syrian refugees are Palestinians driven from their homes by Israeli savagery and made refugees yet again by the Syrian civil war.
We demand that the UK Government open its borders to help refugees fleeing war, misery and murder; we also demand that Israel, a state built on massive ethnic cleansing, allow the refugee population it has created to return to the homes and villages from which Israeli militias and gangs drove them.
SPSC condemns the efforts by some supporters of White supremacy to poison the well of Palestine solidarity by directing justified anger at Israeli crimes against the Palestinian people into a hatred of Jews as a population. We commend the example of an SPSC past-President, Marion Woolfson, whom an Israeli daily newspaper once called “The most dangerous anti-Zionist in Britain”.
See also, from SPSC website:
- Letter from SPSC to US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, August 2015 http://goo.gl/0qqVgx
- The BDS campaign, occupation, apartheid and settler colonialism, July 2015 http://goo.gl/Ib4Ueh
- Israel is not simply a Jewish supremacist state, it is a White Jewish supremacist state: