The British government endorses Israeli genocide in Gaza, mass killing and devastation in Lebanon, Yemen, the bombing of Syria. We are entering uncharted territory, a dark night of livestreamed barbarism as Israel, the West's attack dog in the region, goes beyond its patrons' desired level of killing to build a massive killing zone on the Mediterranean.
Netanyahu snarled a warning at the UN General Assembly as half of the delegates walked out when he walked in: "There is no place in Iran that the long arm of Israel cannot reach and that's true of the entire Middle East."
The collective West incubated and nurtured the genocidal, nuclear-armed monster of Zionism in Palestine. It is time for us all to be afraid - but the fear must galvanise rather than paralyse.
The Scottish events with Mandla Mandela in Scotland will be an opportunity to revisit the worldwide struggle against South African apartheid and apply the lessons to the fight against genocidal Israel.
Dismantling Apartheid: South Africa to Palestine
- 2pm, 12th October - Edinburgh – Augustine Church, George IV Bridge
- 7pm, 13th October – Dundee – Queens Hotel, Nethergate
- 7pm, 14th October – Aberdeen – King’s College, University of Aberdeen
- 7pm, 15th October – Glasgow – Renfield Centre, Bath Street